
Fund Performance

Endowed Funds 

The primary investment objective of the Endowment Pool is to provide a relatively stable, inflation-adjusted, annual payout to support the defined spending rate.

Asset Allocations
Endowment Pool

Lower Limit Target Upper Limit Benchmark FCB Assetts  Clearstead
Total Equity: 60% 70% 80%
US Equity 40% 55% 70% Wilshire 5000 54.2 43
International Equity 5% 15% 25% MSCI EAFE  14  22.2
Fixed Income 20% 28% 40% Barclays Cap US Aggregate  28.8  31.4
Alternative Invest.
Cash & Equivalents 2% 5% S&P 0-3 Mo US T-Bill  3.0  3.4
Investment Performance

Endowment Pool – For period ended December June 30, 2024


QTD 1-Year 3-Year 5-Year Inception
Clearstead Investments 1.4% 12.6% n/a n/a 9%
First Commonwealth Wealth Advisors 1.9% 15.64% 2.75% 7.68% 9.6%

Cash (0-3 years)

The primary investment objective of this Pool is stability of principal. This Pool will invest exclusively in cash and cash equivalents and will have no risk of loss of capital. Donors with immediate liquidity needs or no expectations of growth of capital should consider this strategy.

Conservative Growth & Income Pool (3+ years)

The primary investment objective of this Pool is to provide modest growth while limiting fluctuation to less than the overall stock market. This Pool will invest primarily in a fixed income, with some equity, cash and cash equivalent assets. This Pool is appropriate for donors who have a time horizon of more than three years.

Moderate Growth & Income Pool (4+ years)

Moderate Growth & income Pool (4+ years)
The primary investment objective of this Pool is to provide a moderate level of risk and a mixture of equities, fixed income, and an occasional allocation to cash. This Pool may experience moderate year-to-year volatility. This Pool is generally appropriate for donors with an intermediate time horizon of more than three years.

Growth Pool (7+ years)

The primary investment objective of this Pool is capital appreciation. There will be some inevitable volatility in principal value in this Pool, but it may offer the potential for higher returns over the long term. This Pool is appropriate for donors with a time horizon of more than seven years.

Asset Allocations

Conservative Growth & Income Pool

June 30: % of Portfolio Lower Limit Target Upper Limit
Total Equity 30.2% 15% 25% 30%
US Equity 15% 19% 25%
International Equity 3% 6% 9%
Fixed Income 69.0 % 55% 63% 75%
Alternative Invest. 10% 15%
Cash & Equivalents .8% 2% 10%
Moderate Growth & Income Pool

June 30: % of Portfolio Lower Limit Target Upper Limit
Total Equity  50.6% 35% 45% 55%
US Equity 27% 32% 37%
International Equity 8% 13% 18%
Fixed Income 47.3% 30% 45% 50%
Alternative Invest. 10% 15%
Cash & Equivalents  2.1% 5%
Growth Pool

June 30: % of Portfolio Lower Limit Target Upper Limit
Total Equity 71.9% 55% 65% 75%
US Equity 40% 50% 60%
International Equity 5% 15% 25%
Fixed Income  28.0% 15% 25% 35%
Alternative Invest. 15%
Cash & Equivalents  .1% 5%
Investment Performance

For period ended March 31, 2024

QTD 1 Year 3 Year
Conservative Growth & Income Pool .95% 7.54% 2.19%
Moderate Growth & Income Pool 1.44% 10.84% 1.34%
Growth Pool 2.04% 14.74% 2.75%

Donor Recommended Investment Managers

The Foundation recognizes that certain large donors may desire to recommend the use of a specific manager or broker to manage their contributed funds. Upon request by a donor at the time of a gift and establishment of a fund the Foundation may enter into a contract with an individual investment manager to manage assets given to the Foundation. Please contact Foundation staff for more information.