
Olentangy Education Foundation – Seal of Biliteracy Scholarship

Application Begins: 01/01/2024
Application Ends: 03/18/2024

The Seal of Biliteracy Scholarship is designed to recognize and reward exceptional students at any of the Olentangy High Schools who have earned the Seal of Biliteracy. This scholarship aims to support and celebrate individuals who have demonstrated proficiency in two or more languages, showcasing their dedication to language learning and intercultural communication.


  • must be a graduating senior from one of the four Olentangy Local High Schools
  • must have passed the Avant Stamp 4s or the AP World Language Assessment
  • must have earned the Seal of Biliteracy, a prestigious recognition awarded by their high school or educational institution for proficiency in two or more languages.
  • should have a strong academic record, demonstrating a commitment to excellence in their studies.
  • should provide evidence of their involvement in extracurricular activities, community service, or leadership roles.